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VGG Workflow

The VGG Workflow is an innovative workflow for rapid application development, made possible by VGG Specs with the official open-source implementation, VGG Runtime, and various VGG Containers for different frameworks and platforms.

Before we discuss the details of VGG Workflow, let's first learn some concepts including its first principle, the concept of Design-as-Code, and its ecosystem compatibility.

First Principle


The first principle of VGG Workflow is to bridge the huge gap between the two worlds of design and development. This is achieved by eliminating redundant development efforts—specifically, the rewriting of code to reimplement UI elements that designers have already created using design tools.

The ultimate result is an accelerated application development process, a minimized R&D cycle, and a significantly improved ROI.



The concept of Design-as-Code is straightforward and intuitive, with Code specifically referring to UI code.

The VGG Workflow allows developers to focus on writing business logic code using their familiar and preferred development tools and languages directly on top of the design files.

As a result, developers will no longer need to repeatedly implement or fine-tune the UI using various style sheets like CSS or its derivatives. They can simply take the design as the source of truth for the UI, and the rest will be handled by VGG.

Ecosystem Compatibility

What's more, thanks to VGG Containers, developers can deploy the final outcomes of VGG workflow to any platforms with any frameworks. This means it is completely compatible with the existing code base and doesn't even have vendor lock-in problems that are commonly identified in low-code tools.


In short, it is an enhancement to your original workflow, not a burden.

Workflow Steps

VGG Workflow could be divided into three steps:

  1. Design
  2. Develop
  3. Deploy

Let's go through each of them step by step.