Backlinks1Blend mode of the object.
In the formula below:
means result.
means source.
means destination.
means source alpha.
means destination alpha.
means result RGB.
means result alpha.
enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:
Value | Explanation |
0 | normal: r = s + (1 - sa) * d |
1 | darken: rc = s + d - max(s * da, d * sa), ra = normal |
2 | multiply: r = s * (1 - da) + d * (1 - sa) + s * d |
3 | color burn: darken destination to reflect source |
4 | lighten: rc = s + d - min(s * da, d * sa), ra = normal |
5 | screen: r = s + d - s * d |
6 | color dodge: brighten destination to reflect source |
7 | overlay: multiply or screen, depending on destination |
8 | soft light: lighten or darken, depending on source |
9 | hard light: multiply or screen, depending on source |
10 | difference: rc = s + d - 2 * (min(s * da, d * sa)), ra = normal |
11 | exclusion: rc = s + d - two(s * d), ra = normal |
12 | hue: hue of source with saturation and luminosity of destination |
13 | saturation: saturation of source with hue and luminosity of destination |
14 | color: hue and saturation of source with luminosity of destination |
15 | luminosity: luminosity of source with hue and saturation of destination |
16 | plus darker |
17 | plus lighter |
27 | pass through: ignore current layer |